Monday, July 4, 2011

Training Template for the PLing Meet in October

Here is my training template for the upcoming meet in October.  I am not going to really kick it hard in the gear until I get about 10-12 weeks out.  I am in the gear right now because I am still trying to learn it.  The bench shirt is still a pain in my ass, but I am trying to get some work in it. 

Monday:  Dynamic Effort Upper
Main Lift:  This will always be Bench Press, but I will switch it up every three weeks in between straight weight, bands and chains.  Change grips with every set and REALLY focus on form. 
Supplementary and Accessory work.  The supplementary work will change every 3 weeks, with the main lift from ME Upper(see Thursday) and the accessory work will change every 6 weeks.  Goal here is to key in on Triceps, Chest and Delts.  I know that is pretty generic for the bench, but since my bench sucks so much I really don't have a specific weak point as of yet. 

Tuesday:  Max Effort Lower
Main Lift:  Change every 3 weeks in a circa max type wave. Back Squat, Front Squat, Zercher Squat, Deadlift, etc...
Supplementary and Accessory work.  The supplementary work will change every 3 weeks, with the main lift from and the accessory work will change every 6 weeks.  I am keying in on the Hamstring and the Low Back in my accessory lifts.  My Glutes take over for everything in a raw squat and now that I am in the suit my Hamstrings are taking a beating.  My low back is a hot mess and I'm just trying to keep it healthy.

Wednesday:  Off
No GPP, No Cardio, No Nothing.  If I am caught up on work I try to head home in the middle of the day, when I normally train and try to catch a nap. 

Thursday:  Max Effort Upper
Main Lift:  Will change every 3 weeks in a circa max type wave.  Bench Press, Board Press, Floor Press, etc...
Supplementary and Accessory work.  Same as above for DE Upper

Friday:  Dynamic Effort Lower
Main Lift:  Will switch between Box Squats and Speed Pulls.  Depending on how beat up I feel I will alternate between straight weight and Chains.  We don't have the setup here at the gym to handle band tension too well, so I'm going to keep it out of the programming.
Supplementary and Accessory work. Same as above for ME Lower

Saturday and Sunday:  Recover and do conditioning work if I feel like it.  Conditioning should read something like paddling around the lake while fishing or swimming.

Deload, in the beginning, will come every 3 weeks as my Central Nervous System gets used to the loads I can handle in the suit and shirt.  I will cycle in and out of the gear up until 10-12 weeks out from the meet, then I will work straps down to a box, straps down free, straps up to a box and then straps down free.  The Deadlift will not be the emphasis in the last few weeks as it kills my CNS.

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